Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Steve Jobs Not Named Time's Person of the Year

That's right. After repeated mentions as a strong competitor for the honor, time instead handed it to a collective symbol representing those who protested for a better life against their respective government "The Protester". Certainly Jobs didn't leave as big a mark on 2011 as he has on past years, but to me it seems it was a way of honoring the visionary for everything that he contributed to the world of technology over his lifetime, which I'm sure that you're awarecame to an end only just recently. Instead, Time idiotically opted to recognize a symbol collctively representing each and every protestor. To me this is a very questionable move. The award is titled Person of the Year, not persons as the protestors should be collectively referred to. I understand their motives, but that doesn't change the fact that that just doesn't work. They pathetically attempt to make it work by using the collective symbol "The Protestor", but that just doesn't change the fact that it isn't just one person tht is being recognized.

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