Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So everyone is claiming that the story of Kingdom Hearts Re:coded sucks...

It really frustrates me to go onto the GameSpot/Gamefaqs forums for Kingdom Hearts Re:coded to find that roughly fifty percent of the posts are negative and/or bashing the game. I picked up a copy yesterday , and admittedly haven't played too far into it, but from what I have experienced it is a fantastic game. The stats system (named the "Stats Matrix") and the general combat mechanics (leveling keyblades and abilities and so on) are fresh and engaging and provide a source of addiction and motivation to play. The gameplay, though, is not the issue. The issue is the story. Once again, I haven't played too far into the game but from what I've observed so far the story is pretty intriguing (a mysterious figure leading Sora through the repair of the data that is Jimminy Cricket's journal). It certainly encourages me to keep playing and find out what exactly is going on. Several critic reviews end up rating the game rather low, in the five to six range, because of the overall opinion that the story sucks. To me these lower scores are rather unjustified, the story  doesn't strike me as bad as it seems to have everyone else and beyond that everything else about the game is absolutely fantastic. Another quibble that people have with the game is it's repetition of worlds and enemies from past games. This has no real effect on me though, seeing as the only other Kingdom Hearts game that I have really played is 358/2 Days.

I'll post a full review once I finish playing through the game.

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