Just over one year ago, after taking a couple classes in the autumn quarter of my freshman year at UWT that required me to maintain a blog, I finally found the motivation to start a blog of my own. Now that a full year has passed, it's time to take a look back and review how my blog has changed and evolved.
At the time all I had in mind in regards to what I would post was primarily music-based content (reviews for the most part) as could be reflected in the initial and quite lengthy title of my blog "My Thoughts On Music Or Anything Really". Not only did I get complaints about the length of my blog's url, my focus became much much broader, as I will further discuss, and thus I stripped it down to a much simpler "My Thoughts On Anything Really".
Content & Focus
As stated in the previous section, I initially started out with the intention of primarily posting music reviews and other music related posts. As it turns out, music isn't enough of a topic for me to properly maintain the blog. Only occasionally do I feel motivated enough to review an album, and even rarer do I come up with a topic or idea regarding music to write up and post. Oddly enough, when titling my blog I happened to have that issue in mind, which led to a rather long title that allowed me the freedom to discuss and explore other subjects. As you'll find by sifting through my posts, rather than music my primary topic of interest shifted to the coverage of Major League Soccer, specifically the Seattle Sounders. I don't just post about the MLS, though. Though my primary topic shifted to a much more active one, I also regularly post about other topics to fill the occasional void such as music, Apple, tech, and gaming topics.
Views and Demographics
In the year that my blog has been up my blog has received two thousand plus views, of course many from the US, but also many of them coming from some quite unexpected sources, most notably Malaysia and Russia.
Many of these views have been sourced through rather suspect sites, sites that I am completely lost as to how they're referring viewers to my blog. The one that takes the cake is a site that apparently tracks torrents. WTF?
Next: Looking Forward: What The new Year May Hold